Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday Post For March 24, 2011

Parents, please review page 15 of the Parent Student Handbook:  CARPOOL Because so many of our students live nearby, Creek View Elementary maintains a busy carpool schedule. If you are new to the Alpharetta area, you will quickly come to find that we have traffic that can sometimes be very overwhelming. Please help us keep our students safe and your child’s morning commute stress-free by allowing them to ride the school bus. If you do choose to carpool your children, we ask that you adhere to our school guidelines. Children may ONLY be dropped off and picked up at the front of the school following the designated traffic pattern. Please do not attempt to bypass cars in front of you because you may be in a hurry. The orange cones are placed strategically to maximize the safety of our students, their parents, and our staff. Please do not move or knock them over. Drivers should form a single line in front of the school where they will stop for children to enter or exit the car. Students should exit/enter cars from the curbside only. Students should have all of their belongings together in order to make a smooth transition between the car and the entrance to the school building. Children may not be dropped off in the front parking lot, since they are not permitted to cross through the parking lot without an adult accompanying them. For obvious reasons, children may also not be dropped off in the school bus loading area. If your child should need assistance getting out of the car in the morning, or if your child needs to unload items, please park and walk him/her across. A limited number of staff members are available in the building to assist our students each morning. We kindly ask that parents refrain from walking their children to their classrooms. Using the staff parking lot is not an option for dropping off students. This practice not only causes a major back-up for entering and departing buses and arriving staff members, but also poses an unsafe situation for students.

Troop 3801: Carolyn Douglas, McKenna Brooks, Julia Jensen, Ali Balbuena, Kelly Dolan, Elena Cardozo, (front row)Ashby Smith, Annie Sweat, Emily Anzilotti
“Do a Good Deed Every Day!"
Spring is in bloom! Last Monday, the Junior Girl Scout's had a chance to get their hands dirty while they updated the Butterfly Garden near the tool shed. Among their “dirty work”, the girls pulled weeds and planted Violas (annuals), Parsley (herb), Monardas (perennials), Lavendar (perennials), Phlox (perennials) and Dianthus (perennials). Soon the garden will be in full bloom and attracting butterflies for all to enjoy. The Girl Scouts encourage you to take a look on your next trip to the play yard.

YGHA Summer Drama Camp Registration

Kindergarten Safari March 30th

Bus Drivers Needed!


  1. Parents ARE DEFINITELY dropping children off in the parking lot and allowing them to exit vehicles and cross through the lot in the morning. Unreal. When Coach M. was posted at the crosswalk, he would yell and keep irresponsible and unconcerned parents in check. Now that he is no longer there, the rules are being broken regularly--especially on busy mornings.

  2. I appreciate you posting the reminders about the rules of carpool. I don't use carpool very often, but it is amazing how many parents delay everyone else because their kids are not ready to get out of the car.

  3. I don't know if this is the right place to post, but oh my gosh those photos of Mr. Rogers and the teachers are so fun! Thanks for posting ;-)

    Isa V. ;-)
